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Free card readings (CZ)

Link to RUMBLE channel TarotEL

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Free card-readings (EN)

Link to YouTube channel Tarot od EL

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General information for 2024

The year 2024 


This year can be a turning point in many ways. I didn't even do a reading for 2024, because I perceive that anything can happen. The reading for the whole year now basically makes no sense.


The messages of recent months has increasingly focused on society and civilisation, rather than on the individual. Which convinces me that the further development of all of us is also dependent on the steps or reactions of our societies or even civilisation. And that's why we don't know what will happen next in a year time. As we decide, it will have the appropriate consequences. Even so, it will be a process, some influences and impacts will be perceived by some people immediately, by others later, and some will not understand what is happening. 


Perceptive people have been greatly encouraged in recent months to come to light with their abilities, to also pass on information that people do not normally get to at all. Which also tells us a little about the possible future...  ​


If you are a more mature soul, you can share your maturity or your strength with others. Sometimes it's really enough to just be there for others, someone can stand up for others, someone can come up with other options and ideas. In general, the time comes for maturity to be seen, heard and available.


From 7.7.2024, the readings are also in English, on the Tarot by EL youtube channel. It's a challenge... :-) ​


From 1.6.2022 I offer personal readings online via Google Meet, or by appointment a personal meeting in Prague and its surroundings or in Trutnov.  ​


Since 1.9.2021 I have been recording general video-readings on the under the TarotEL channel. Rumble works similarly to other video portals, you need to register to be able to respond to a video. 


I only maintain the Tarot YouTube channel from EL due to the personal readings and information about the move and news already uploaded here.

I have been reading cards for many years and can offer you some suggestions and insights from my experience:

  • We have all the answers within us. 

  • Cards are another tool that can help us find our answers or connect to the surrounding energies.

  • The answers of the cards do not interfere with our free will. Therefore, they will only give relevant information.

  • We can each perceive a different meaning behind the words, according to our experience and knowledge.

  • The cards provide information that we often need to work with. By thinking about the meaning of a card or message, we can get to our awareness, our answer - the only correct answer. 

  • At birth, we were not endowed with a manual for life. We don't get it during our lives, so we don't get it from cards either. There is no magic pill that will solve everything for us or protect us. 

  • We all have our own lives, our discoveries, our decisions, our responsibilities and our own experiences. The other person does not breathe, eat, think, simply does not live for us. Therefore, the other person cannot know what is suitable for us. We are gradually figuring it out ourselves. Conversely, we do not live the life of others. 

  • We are like Avatars on Earth, our own existence/soul is having experiences here.  

  • Life is about gaining experience through which we develop. As beings, we are far from mature (yet). We are still going through the school of existence and we still have a long way to go.

  • We stagnate or degrade if we let others deal with our situations or avoid situations altogether. Also if we are looking for quick superficial solutions. Or if we live in the past. When we are constantly pushing for new and new experiences without being aware of the experiences we have lived. Also when we are obsessive or deny a part of existence. On the other hand, we also help others to stagnate or degrade if we solve situations for them and do not let them develop at their pace. 

  • There is nothing supernatural, everything is only natural. Everything (already) exists around us and everything has its reason. We humans gradually discover the surrounding existences, including our own, according to our level of maturity. That is why, for example, some of us do not yet perceive the invisible world - the metaphysical one. Which doesn't mean it doesn't exist, they just aren't mature enough to perceive this dimension. 

  • Life is still evolving and we are part of life or existence. Life itself does not want to break us, it is rather that we ourselves are sometimes self-destructive. And then there are others who want to break us. Life doesn't need to give us situations that we can't handle. We will help ourselves if we believe in ourselves and in life.

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