Tarot by EL card readings
Personal readings
Long Personal Reading - 60 min
Usually for 2 - 3 areas or extensive questions
Video/session length is around 60 - 90 minutes
Reading options:
video-reading (offline, you will receive a link to your reading)
online reading (Google Meets)
personal meeting (Prague, with a surcharge of 200,- CZK for room rental)
Processed within 7 calendar days
Price: 1.100,- Kč / 44 EUR*
Short Personal
Reading - 30 min
Usually for 1 area or few short questions
Video/session length is around 30 - 45 minutes
Reading options:
video-reading (offline, you will receive a link to your reading)
online reading (Google Meets)
personal meeting (Prague, with a surcharge of 200,- CZK for room rental)
Processed within 7 calendar days
Price: 650,- Kč / 26 EUR*
*Each additional reading is priced at CZK 1,000 (EUR 40) for the longer reading, and the next shorter reading is priced at CZK 600 (EUR 24).
If you are not sure which option to choose, contact me. I will recommend a variant according to the scope of your questions or areas and you will ultimately decide which option to choose. You can also let the cards do the talking and let them decide how short or more extensive information you need to know. They tend to be longer when it is necessary to focus on other or other important areas than the ones we are asking about.
For video interpretations, you will receive a link to your email.
I usually respond to emails within three days, interpretations are my side activity. Thank you for your understanding.