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Our Zodiac Constellations

The Signs and their characteristics

Zodiac Constellations - history and shift

Our Zodiac Signs

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Sun sign: It speaks of the most important and predominant part of the character. This is the sign we commonly give.

Moon Sign:
It speaks of our hidden "self", of the darker or emotional part of the character.
Ascendant sign: This sign represents our "self", which we consciously present to others. Even what we are willing to reveal about ourselves can tell us a lot.

Venus sign: Venus is a symbol of beauty and love. This sign represents our aesthetic perception, what values we have, what we find beautiful, what we find pleasure in or what makes us attractive, our charm and charisma.
It is interesting to listen to more of your signs even in general interpretations (Rumble “TarotEL”/YouTube channel “Tarot od EL”). It happens that if a person is feeling more emotional, the influence of our moon sign will be more significant at this time.

We can also be influenced by other planets. You can find calculators on the Internet that will give you a list of planets including descriptions of influences. You need to enter the date and place of birth, or even the time.

Signs and their characteristics

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The elements and signs can give us a hint as to what we need to overcome ourselves in and what we can then control and have under our healthy control. But it depends on our level of development of our being, or maturity. Another influence is our "planned" situations that we are supposed to experience in this life. Therefore, it is advisable not to cling to labels or deadlines. We are constantly changing, at every moment we have a different physical, mental and mental setting.

Aries, element: fire

21.3. - 20.4.

They are overflowing with life energy, they are ambitious, difficult to predict and are always spontaneous, they have the trait of a complete rebel and they like to do things their way, they want everything their way. They are direct and have no time for nonsense. They are very loyal to the end, incredibly stubborn and you will definitely hear their opinion. They can either be the nicest people... Or your worst nightmare. They are ultra-competitive and will not give up without a proper fight. They have a sensitive heart – don't play with them, they are impatient, but don't keep them waiting for long. It's great to go out with them, they hate routines. They are short-tempered and cannot hide it. They are motivated, they are willing to take risks, they focus more on the positives, they are frustrated by eternal negativity, they inspire others. In love, there is often "all or nothing" for them, they are very generous and attentive.

Taurus, element: earth

20.4. - 21.5.

Very calm and cool, they don't give in and if you attack them, they will return it to you very hard. They are independent and incredibly independent. If you want advice, go to them – they are full of common sense. They are attracted by consistency, coherence, reliability and a sense of humour. They are known for their impatience, they are honest and they keep their word. They are stubborn, they will not succumb easily. They would do anything for their loved ones. They want structure, security and stability, they try to minimize chaos. They are realists who deal with facts, are mentally strong and extremely resilient. They are faithful to the end with those who have earned their trust. They can annoy their friends when they are stressed. They have a sixth sense for detecting lies. They can't love someone until they trust them first. If you break their heart, it takes them a long time to get over it before their wounds heal. They are frustrated by people who can't make up their minds. They strive for comfort and reliability in life, and they are the ones you want to have around you when something happens to you or something goes wrong in life. They are focused, they know how to make decisions and they are goal-oriented.

Gemini, element: air

22/05 to 21/06

He tries to avoid conflict and leaves before things get too hot. If we corner them, they will not hesitate to strike back. They are extremely loyal friends, allies and lovers. Their minds are constantly in competition with thoughts, and they are extremely independent, they cannot be controlled. They are incredibly bright and constantly absorb knowledge. They can sometimes be outrageously flirtatious. They have no patience for overly critical people who do nothing but complain. They are attracted to people who can stimulate their minds, they are not afraid to say exactly what they think. They are encouraging, sometimes they can be a bit weird, but they know how to talk smoothly about almost anything. They are restless and always on the go, driven by curiosity and soaking up knowledge like a sponge. They experience extreme emotions, they guard themselves and are unwilling to open up, they take their time before committing to a relationship, but once they do, it's all over. They are wild and have an adventurous spirit, a devilishly sarcastic sense of humor, they are adaptable, able to adapt to adverse circumstances.

Cancer, element: water

22/06 to 22/07

Incredibly intuitive and surprisingly good at estimating people. They are intense and passionate lovers. They don't cope well with a broken heart. They can be extremely generous, mysterious and difficult to read. They love affection, they are calm... until they are provoked. They can experience crazy mood swings. They are always there for their friends, they can have a sentimental period, look back to the past. They long for a deeper and meaningful relationship. They love building a comfortable home that calls them sir. When they are unhappy, they can become distant and taciturn. They don't get along with unpleasant and intrusive personalities. They can be shy and take time to open up. They are infinitely inventive. They can hold grudges for a very long time. They are strong and resilient, instinctively protective of their loved ones, complicated and multifaceted, as well as compassion and empathetic hearts.

Leo, element: fire

23/07 to 22/08

They have big hearts and a lot of love for the world, but they will unleash hell if you try to take advantage of their kindness. They are absolutely determined to pursue their goal. Loyalty is their middle name, they are protectors and their presence makes people safe. They are natural leaders, they are honest and they always give you the facts. They are social creatures, they love to connect with others, but they also need to be alone to relax and organise their thoughts. They love a little attention and affection. You can always count on them coming for you. They are optimistic, they can see the positive, sometimes they can be comically charming. They don't have time to focus on resentment and negative energy. They are confident on the outside, but on the inside they are sensitive, playful and fun. They are looking for excitement, they want to try everything, they have deliberate behavior. They often communicate their thoughts and emotions through humor, they can be insanely competitive, they are spontaneous and unpredictable in love.

Virgo, element: earth

23/08 to 22/09

They don't just need to talk about things, they do them. They have an analytical mind that can find solutions to difficult problems, they are frustrated by incompetence and stupidity. They are sensitive and emotional, even if they don't show it. They are perfectionists... sometimes to the detriment. They have a hidden wild side that only a few lucky people see. They are born skeptics who don't believe something until they see it with their own eyes, have strong opinions and are not afraid to express them. They are timid and great thinkers, they are lovers. They are not fighters and generally try to avoid confrontation, however, they are not cakewalkers and they know how to stand up. They hate lecturing and judging, they can be bossy, but only when things need to be done and done. They are attracted to self-assurance, ambition and intelligence. They may seem cold at times, but the truth is that they are just cautious about opening up to others. They can look very cold and at the same time are on the verge of complete nervous breakdown. They stay organized and can't stand the mess, they're calculating, and they don't make reckless decisions. They are humble and humble, always working hard to improve their future. As friends, they are loyal to the end.

Libra, element: air

23/9 to 23/10

They will forgive, but they will not forget. They often look for longer-term and more meaningful relationships. They are fair, balanced and quick to admit when they are wrong. They are very smart and don't believe anything without seeing it with their own eyes first. They are natural negotiators who are able to talk people out of doing stupid things. They are extremely attentive and often know more than they let show. They cannot stand selfish and unscrupulous people, they have a cold and calm attitude to life. They can be incredibly persuasive and hard to say no to. They ignore hateful people and go after what they want. They can be very charming and flirty a bit. They are calculating and always think a few steps ahead of their competitors. They can't be with a lover who is selfish. They would rather give up an argument than lose their friendship. Sometimes they put too much pressure on themselves by trying to make others happy. They are excellent listeners and can also give very good advice. They are open and endlessly inquisitive, they are social creatures who crave stimulating conversations. They can sometimes be unpredictable. They feel happiest when everyone they love is happy.

Scorpio, element: water

24/10 to 22/11

They are passionate and full of passion, they are clever and cannot be deceived. They are mysterious and secretive, often have trust issues and can be very suspicious of everything. They are focused, ambitious and competitive. When they lose their temper, they can be brutal. They give compliments that really mean something. If they are betrayed, they can be very ruthless. They can be measured and need time to open. They are magnetic and can be very seductive. They experience extreme fluctuations. They are crazy observers and are constantly aware of things that others are missing. When they fall in love, it's absolutely and with everything. They can be blinded by love. They tend to form a deep connection with humans, being independent creatures who follow their own path in life. Sometimes they just need to get away from everyone completely and be alone. He keeps their word, one hundred percent. They are instinctively great protectors of their loved ones. They are picky about who they are friends with. They have a perfect stone look, are extremely durable, and won't allow a few lousy obstacles to deter them from their destination.

Sagittarius, element: fire

23/11 to 21/12

They are optimists who dream big, they are honest and natural, they are witty and have a mischievous sense of humor. They are independent and hate being told how to live. They can be restless and impatient. They can read you like a book. They are allergic to stupidity, they can't stand selfish or bitter people. They can't be fooled and always think ten steps ahead. They are looking for freedom and it is extremely difficult to settle them. They can become ruthless when they feel they have been harmed. They are not afraid to take risks in life, they are creative and extremely curious. They're spontaneous and it's great to be around them. They love to prove to others that they are wrong. They try to avoid minor drama and instead focus on what is important to them. They are careful who they give their heart to and it takes them to commit. When they feel hurt, they may distance themselves from everyone and hide their emotions. They don't hold onto resentments and leave the past in the past. They are always there for their loved ones when they need it most. They are adventurous and love to experience new things.

Capricorn, element: earth

22/12 to 20/1

They are incredibly practical and resourceful, they are patient and incredibly disciplined. They can often read a person in seconds. When they go crazy, they can be brutal with their words. They are highly ambitious and deeply driven to success. They are reliable and known for keeping their word. They look for facts and evidence before rushing to conclusions. They don't like to wait! When they are betrayed, they are unable to forgive or forget. They have high standards - for everything. They are smart and extreme, giving really good advice. When they are brought to their knees, they stand up again and move on. When they feel hurt, they may close themselves off and refuse to talk about it. They may be reserved and need time to open up to new people. They are fluent in the language of sarcasm. They are very loyal lovers. They have a habit of thinking about things, even unhealthily. They have a crazy and fun side when it comes to friends. They are attracted to trust and assertiveness, they have no problem being alone, in fact they love solitude.

Aquarius, element: air

21/1 to 20/2

Aquarians think to themselves and like to keep an open mind about things. They can get angry, which can surprise people. They are not very good liars. They live and breathe for music. They have a bad habit of thinking about things more than they should. They stay away from inflated egos and conceited personalities. They can be too sarcastic. They care for those who are their friends. They can be totally emotional, but they don't always show it to others. They are incredibly independent and often prefer to rely on themselves. They are often misunderstood. They accept change and can be quite unpredictable. They have a rebellious attitude and hate being told what to do or how to think. They learn from their past mistakes and don't make the same mistake twice. They are not afraid to innovate and like to do things their way, they are great listeners and also give good advice. They are fast learners and overall they are like a sponge for knowledge. They look for the best in people and are willing to give them a second chance. They have strong opinions and are not afraid to express them. Sometimes they are downright weird, dream big and try to change things.


Pisces, element: water

21/02 to 20/03

They have big hearts and a lot of love for the whole world. They have a way of finding the best in others. What is inside a person is important to them. They are incredibly intuitive and follow their instincts. They prefer quality over quantity when it comes to friends. They are dreamers and escapers, they are total fools for romance. They can be quite mysterious and not so easy to understand. They are deeply emotional creatures, they are in touch with their spiritual side. They have a knack for reading the true intentions of others. They are super adaptable and able to get along with all kinds of people. They are there for others and have a generous nature. They can be unreasonable at times, afraid of rejection and the idea of being left alone. They are infinitely artistic and creative. Sometimes they need to be alone for a while. They will appreciate honesty and sincerity. When they fall in love, they are often completely in love and are head over heels in it. They have a competitive spirit, which may surprise others. They can instinctively tell when their loved ones are in a bad place and need support.

Zodiac constellations - history and shift

The ecliptic, or the path of the Sun, as perceived from the revolving Earth, passes through the constellations that made up the Zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Some astrologers add a 13th constellation, which also resides on the ecliptic: Ophiuchus.

Babylonian astrologers, and later Greeks, originally determined the signs of the zodiac according to the constellation of the Sun on the day you were born. Early astronomers observed the Sun passing through the signs over the course of a year and spending about a month in each of them. In this way, they calculated that each constellation would extend 30 degrees along the ecliptic.

Ancient astrologers grouped 12 signs according to classical elements. The elements represent certain personality traits and are used in conjunction with the star signs, as well as the position of the Sun, Moon and known planets at the time to determine the horoscope:

Fire - Aries, Sagittarius, Leo (spontaneous and impulsive)

Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces (imaginative and emotional)

Air - Libra, Aquarius, Gemini (fast and lively, tendency to rationalize feelings)

Earth - Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo (quiet and slow reactions, slow emotional changes)

However, a phenomenon called precession changed the position of the constellations we see today and led to a shift in the constellations of the zodiac.


Precession and astrology:

The first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere was once marked by the zero point of the zodiac. Astronomers call it the vernal equinox and it occurs at the moment when the ecliptic and celestial equators intersect around March 21.

Around 600 BC, there was a zero point in Aries and it was called the "first point of Aries". The constellation of Aries included the first 30 degrees of the ecliptic; from 30 to 60 degrees was Taurus; from 60 to 90 degrees were Gemini; and so on for all 12 constellations of the zodiac.

Unbeknownst to ancient astrologers, the Earth is constantly moving on its axis in a 25,800-year cycle. This wave, called precession, is caused by the gravitational attraction of the Moon on the equatorial plane of the Earth.




Over the past two and a half millennia, these ripples have caused an intersection between the celestial equator and the ecliptic movement westward along the ecliptic of 36 degrees, or almost exactly one-tenth of the way around the Pisces-Aquarius boundary. It means that the signs slipped a tenth, or almost a whole month, from the path around the sky to the west, compared to the stars beyond.

For example, those born between March 21 and April 19 consider themselves Aries. Today, the sun is no longer in the constellation of Aries during most of this period. From March 11 to April 18, the sun is indeed in the constellation of Pisces.

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